FAQ for the Winter Open Tournament
How Do I Register for Events?
- Register Using the GymMaster App: From the home page, select ‘Book Classes’ and you will see the events listed, along with the dates and entry fees (which will be charged immediately). Full refunds will be provided if someone chooses to cancel their booking (though we ask that you provide at least 3 days notice).
Am I Eligible to Play Any Event Listed?
- Anyone is eligible to play Open Events. Only less experienced players are eligible to play Amateur events (like Amateur Doubles and Amateur Singles). If you’re not sure if you are eligible, please ask Sean or Dan
Why Aren’t There Any Dedicated Events For Experts, Amateurs or Women?
- Unfortunately we do not have enough time to run separate events for these players, however there are prizes for the highest placing players from these groups in the Open Events. We do have an Open Mixed event (teams must have 1 male and 1 female).
Why Is There A Maximum Number For Events?
- We need to ensure we can run the events efficiently and on schedule, and the club has enough capacity for all the players to play (and relax) comfortably
Can I Play Open AND Amateur Events? Can I Play Open DYP AND BPS?
- Players must choose to play Open OR Rookie events, and not both (except for Open Mixed). Players CAN choose the Open DYP and BPS.
Are the Amateur Events handicapped (and what does that mean)?
- Beginners and Rookie players in Amateur events can win games with fewer goals, to make this event more fair. Specific details will be provided at the event.
Do Founding Level Members Get A Discount
- Founding Level Members will receive a 10% credit to their account after purchase
I Get A ‘Time Range Overlap’ Message When I Try To Register
- This may occur when booking concurrent events like DYP and BPS. Please book and confirm BPS first, and then book DYP separately.